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Ask HN: Question about customers selling goods through my app
1 point by brandoncordell on March 19, 2012 | hide | past | favorite
I have a web application idea that I'd like to get off the ground, but I'm very green when it comes to one aspect.

The web application would be for individuals to showcase and sell their goods. I've worked as a web developer for almost 5 years now, the first few years was spent setting up and customizing e-commerce sites for clients, so I'm familiar with the basics of e-commerce and payment gateways.

What I don't know much about is the actual process of being the middle man in the transaction. I'd like to take a small percentage of certain transactions, and I really don't want to get my app killed because of credit card fraud or anything like that.

Do you guys have any advice for setting up a site like this, or any good links/articles/books that I should read before diving into something like this? Really if someone could give me the basic gist of how things work from this type of application. Do my customers give me their banking info and I just pay them directly after taking my fee? How would I know the product was going to get delivered, or should there be a waiting period? Should I pay immediately or do pay outs twice a month, etc.

Is this something I could achieve with Stripe, Chargify, Recurly, etc?

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