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> You should be squeamish about running the code without reading it first, given that you're pair-programming with a bot.

It's funny, the first version of this project[0] let you do exactly that, e.g.,

  def main(path: str):
      #<<filenames = a list of filenames under path>>
      for fn in filenames:
          #<<size = size of fn in bytes>>
          print(fn, size)
  #<<use argparse and call main>>
and then run that program like any other Python script (using import magic):

  $ python -m examples.file_sizes /etc
  /etc/wgetrc 4942
  /etc/nsswitch.conf 542
  /etc/adduser.conf 3028
  /etc/ethertypes 1816
But yeah, it never felt exactly practical. :)

[0] https://github.com/bsilverthorn/maccarone/tree/v0.1.3

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