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I don't think you can even implement indirect threading in Go. Go supports neither computed goto nor mutually recursive tail-call optimization (only self-recursive).

Jump tables for switch statements was only implemented last year. If you squint that's close to indirect threading, but still with at least one unnecessary conditional per op.

For the curious, here's their giant switch: https://github.com/platypusguy/jacobin/blob/c508ec50f55ef381... In practice compilers have always been finicky when it comes to coaxing them to emit jump tables from switch statements, and I bet this is especially truly for Go.

Yeah, I think any bytecode interpreter ends up with a giant switch in the critical path at some point :)

Around the time that change was made to Go, Andrew and I were looking at this and wondering how big of a performance hit it was and if there were a better way to structure that. I had a hunch that the compiler should be smart enough to not compile that as a switch/giant if block, and a quick trip to a disassembler showed it using binary search. This commit: https://github.com/golang/go/commit/1ba96d8c0909eca59e28c048... added the jump table and has some nice analysis on where it makes sense to do binary search vs jump tables.

As far as I can tell, with certain restrictions (that are fine in this case), it is pretty reliable at optimizing giant if/else blocks and switches.

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