> It also ironic that a country and population seen as backwards by the British Empire have overtaken the British in landing on the moon.
This is not the moment to go there, but still since we're on the topic, current leaders of Britain (Prime Minister), Ireland (Taoiseach) and Scotland (First Minister) are all of Indian-Subcontinent origin. Britain and Ireland have leaders of Indian origin, while Scotland has of Pakistani origin.
Sunak and Yousaf are both Punjabi, Sunak's family was from Gujranwala region in Pakistani Punjab before partition and Yousaf's is from Khanewal in Pakistani Punjab as well, plus both are the children of East African Indians who moved to the UK during the mass expulsion of South Asians in the 1960s and 70s (Freddie Mercury is also part of that community as well, though ethnically Parsi Gujarati). Also, they both attended elite Grammar Schools, so they were within the same Old Boys network.
They're much closer culturally than Varadkar who's dad's side of the family is from Konkan region (the coastal region stretching from Goa to Mumbai/Bombay)
This is not the moment to go there, but still since we're on the topic, current leaders of Britain (Prime Minister), Ireland (Taoiseach) and Scotland (First Minister) are all of Indian-Subcontinent origin. Britain and Ireland have leaders of Indian origin, while Scotland has of Pakistani origin.