I'm the lowest pawn on the ladder. But we have time to adjust our ways, so I asked them, but they just refuse. It's all block and nap then rush (with some "can you skip lunch maybe?").
Method 1 is definitely a culture that needs to be encouraged and nourished (and sometimes people need to be trained). And it's fragile: If there's even a hint of "What have you coded in the last week/month" from anywhere up the management chain--poof! It's gone and everyone is motivated to move to Method 2.
Thanks. I'm very much interested in the psychology of social structure / workgroups. These are indeed very brittle and it doesn't take much to make a race to the bottom.
I'm always thinking about relay-like and continuous improvement (team processes and mastery, not CI/CD) between team members to promote curiosity, high drive, creativity and friendly competition.