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There is also this shortcut of ctrl+shift+x to switch to RTL. Which is really funny when you do it on Twitter since it flips the entire user interface.

I used to work on web RTS game and one of the FE guys before my time had used scaleX(-1) for virtually every RTL case. First he flipped the viewport, then flip back everything that shouldn't have been flipped.

I threw pretty much all his html, CSS and JS once I was allowed to render most of the game with WebGL

thats kinda comedic, def adding to the list of naive RTL handling approaches

It's weirder even: Pressing ctrl-shift-x when the input field is highlighted inserts "rtl", then pressing it again flips the entire user interface but not the input field.

Twitter is one of the few that does RTL properly.

RTL has really bad support on the web, and RTL folks are constantly having to input into and read RTL text in interfaces designed for LTR which makes things really awkward to read.

yeah it's supposed to be like that. They prefer to go back the other way.

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