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My favorite prime number generator (thegreenplace.net)
195 points by mfrw on Aug 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 83 comments

My favorite prime number generator is

    ┬─┬───────────────────────────────────┬──── ────┬
    │ │ ┬─┬ ────┬─┬────────────────────── ┼───┬ ┬───┼
    │ │ └─┤ ────┼─┼───────────────────┬── ┼───┼ │ ┬ │
    │ │   │ ┬───┼─┼───────────────────┼── ┼─┬─┼ │ ┼ │
    │ │   │ │ ─ ┼─┼─┬─────┬──── ──────┼─┬ │ ├─┘ └─┤ │
    │ │   │ │ ┬ └─┤ │ ┬─┬ ┼─┬─┬ ──┬───┼─┼ ├─┘     ├─┘
    │ │   │ └─┤   └─┤ └─┤ │ ├─┘ ──┼─┬─┼─┼ │       │
    │ │   │   │     │   │ ├─┘   ┬─┼─┼─┼─┼ │       │
    │ │   │   │     │   ├─┘     └─┤ │ ├─┘ │       │
    │ │   │   │     └───┤         │ ├─┘   │       │
    │ │   │   │         │         ├─┘     │       │
    │ │   │   │         ├─────────┘       │       │
    │ │   │   ├─────────┘                 │       │
    │ │   └───┤                           │       │
    │ │       ├───────────────────────────┘       │
    │ ├───────┘                                   │
    └─┤                                           │
which graphically depicts the 167-bit lambda term

    λ 1 (1 ((λ 1 1) (λ λ λ 1 (λ λ 1) ((λ 4 4 1 ((λ 1 1) (λ 2 (1 1)))) (λ λ λ λ 1 3 (2 (6 4))))) (λ λ λ 4 (1 3)))) (λ λ 1 (λ λ 2) 2)
which generates the characteristic sequence of primes [1] [2].

[1] https://tromp.github.io/cl/cl.html

[2] https://github.com/tromp/AIT/blob/master/characteristic_sequ...

Could you explain it? Those two links are Greek to me.

The first link starts out as:

> On Pi day 2023 I gave an online talk about AIT and BLC based on these slides.

Perhaps watching the linked-to talk will somewhat clarify matters.

Super cool to see one of the authors of the most popular Go scoring methods (particularly for MCTS) posting here :) Respect and thanks!

Tromp-Taylor ruleset?

Yep, seems to be the guy :)

What's the "characteristic sequence"?

its a list with each prime index contains a one/true value

This is really elegant! To make the explanation more concrete, here's a snapshot of the algorithm's state (the dict D) after it has processed numbers up to 10 (inclusive):

    12: [3, 2]
    25: [5]
    49: [7]
So each prime up to 10 is present exactly once. When we process 12, we move 2 to the list for 14, and 3 to the list for 15.

The Sorenson paper linked in the post is also a great read, I remember reading it a couple of years ago and it is very clear. It adds many further optimizations on top of standard sieve of Eratosthenes (e.g. wheel factorization is a generalization of the idea of considering only numbers in {1, 5} mod 6, or {1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29} mod 30, or …), and segmenting is what you need to do to avoid running out of memory.

The fastest such generator (using sieve-based methods) seems to be https://github.com/kimwalisch/primesieve — it implements all those optimizations and more.

However, if you just want the nth prime, it's even faster to compute π(n) by combinatorial/analytic methods, instead of a sieve: the same author has https://github.com/kimwalisch/primecount for that. (Try the ten-trillionth prime number.)

My favorite is this FRACTRAN program: (17/91, 78/85, 19/51, 23/38, 29/33, 77/29, 1/17, 11/13, 13/11, 15/2, 1/7, 55/1) with input 2.

It doesn't quite produce primes directly. It gives a sequence of integers, some of which are powers of 2. Those powers of 2 are 2^2, 2^3, 2^5, 2^7, 2^11, ..., i.e., the sequence of 2 to the power of primes.

For those who have never seen FRACTRAN it is an esoteric programming language invented by John Conway. It is Turing-complete.

Here's how you execute a FRACTRAN program, with input N.

1. Step through the list of fractions in order until you find a fraction f such that fN is an integer or you run out of fractions.

2. If you run out of fractions halt.

3. Output fN.

4. Replace N with fN.

5. Goto step 1.

Wikipedia gives some sample programs and explains in detail how the heck FRACTRAN can compute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FRACTRAN

Believe it or not, there exists a closed-form equation which computes the nth prime number. It's Willans's formula:

p_n = 1 + Sum_{i=1}^{2^n} Floor((n/(Sum_{j=1}^{i} Floor((Cos((j-1)!+1)/j) Pi)^2)))^(1/n))



It's not fast but it really does work.

That video is actually great!

The last time this formula came up, I added some references to the Wikipedia article (current version: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Formula_for_prime... about the "worthlessness" of such formulas, but it doesn't deter people from being interested in that formula… as long as they don't imagine it's useful in any way, it's fine to enjoy its perverse cleverness, I suppose.

The video does well to quote Wilf on “the disease was preferable to the cure” and to end with “Could it [C. P. Willans] be a pseudonym for someone who didn't want to tarnish their reputation by writing about useless prime-generating formulas?” :-) Dudley (who mentions a large list of other such formulas) also has a nice conclusion:

> The conclusion to be drawn from all this, I think, is that formulas for formulas' sake do not advance the mathematical enterprise. Formulas should be useful. If not, they should be astounding, elegant, enlightening, simple, or have some other redeeming value.

The memory usage can in fact be optimized further with a small change:


In the spirit of the blog post, I'll let you guess how it works :p

Wow this is a great optimization! You're under-selling it :) It changes the memory requirement from O(π(n)) to O(π(√n)), e.g. after processing numbers up to 100, the internal state in the OP's algorithm is:

    q = 101
    D = {'102': [3, 2], '105': [7, 5], '121': [11], '169': [13], '289': [17], '361': [19], '529': [23], '841': [29], '961': [31], '1369': [37], '1681': [41], '1849': [43], '2209': [47], '2809': [53], '3481': [59], '3721': [61], '4489': [67], '5041': [71], '5329': [73], '6241': [79], '6889': [83], '7921': [89], '9409': [97]}
while with your "small change", the state is just:

    q = 101
    S = 121
    r = 11
    D = {'102': [3, 2], '105': [7, 5]}

My favorite prime number generator is http://alpha61.com/primenumbershittingbear/

It doesn't need Flash Player any more? It's the year 2023 and I can run the Prime Number Shitting Bear again? Hallelujah!

It is still flash. Appears they incorporated aflax, a "run most of flash in js" library. https://github.com/aptana/aflax

My favorite prime number generator is the undocumented __next_prime():


There is no good reason to use this one except in a code golf environment that includes all headers by default, which is where I learned about it.

The Sieve of Atkin is VERY fast at generating primes between 1 and n.

It asymptotically speeds up the process of generating prime numbers. It has time complexity O(n/(log log n))


Your link seems to say it has time complexity O(n)?

If you count everything carefully, it's O(n / log log n)


They are essentially the same in all conceivable practical cases in this Universe.

log log (atoms in universe) < 100

This seems to be a matter of the above source reporting a variation of the algorithm that is asymptotically slower than the algorithm given in the paper *and* uses asymptotically more memory. Thanks for posting the paper!

In J generating prime numbers is simply p:21, that gives you 79 which is the 21st prime number.

It is so fast, I wonder what the algorithm behind it is.

[0]: https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Vocabulary/pco

> I wonder what the algorithm behind it is.

Noted in the details section of the link you provided:

"Primality testing on numbers larger than (2^31) uses the probabilistic Miller-Rabin algorithm."

How high can you go with this?

I have J on my android phone, and the highest I could go was

p: 100999999, the prime numbers is 2059519669

I enjoyed this, but I am a little stuck on how stuck the author is on yield. If one ends up creating a large list of prime numbers with this generator, why not just return a large list of prime numbers? The author clearly notes how optimizing Python code is "odd" when you can more easily switch languages, but languages like C/C++/Rust would not have pretty code because it does not have yield. It is obvious that returning an array of prime numbers is what one would do in C/C++/Rust.

I understand that not using yield would mean it is not strictly a "generator", but the spirit of this problem is generating the sequence of primes (unless I am missing something).

> but languages like C/C++/Rust would not have pretty code because it does not have yield

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but Rust has native generators with yield: https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/unstable-book/language-featur...

C++ also does using coroutines + co_yield (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/coroutines#co_yie...) or iterators (old syntax).

Try solving some Project Euler problems. You'll see the win pretty quickly when you have to search a large range for primes.

Why would that be true?

The list you need to process is large enough that it would be prohibitive to put it all in memory at once. Furthermore you do not start knowing things like how many primes to look at. Therefore generating and dealing with them iteratively makes for simple code and a lot fewer headaches.

Why wouldn't someone just make a C++ class that keeps some state and call a method that gives them as many primes as they want, but runs 100x faster than python? Why would python yield somehow be better than this?

Project Euler is always about finding the right algorithm, and not raw performance.

With the right algorithm you can solve it in Python in a max of 30 seconds. With the wrong one, you sometimes can't solve it in C++ in the lifetime of the universe.

Therefore you should program in the language that you find it easiest to express yourself in. And not in a language chosen for raw speed.

This is what you said before:

You'll see the win pretty quickly when you have to search a large range for primes.

This isn't just shifting the goal posts, you are now talking about something completely different.

With the right algorithm you can solve it in Python in a max of 30 seconds

Then you can do the same thing in C++, but when it runs the C++ program will be done 100x faster. A lot of modern C++ is as clean as python if you were being more explicit about types.

With the wrong one, you sometimes can't solve it in C++ in the lifetime of the universe.

Nothing about this makes any sense.

Therefore you should program in the language that you find it easiest to express yourself in. And not in a language chosen for raw speed.

If you continue on with python and need more speed you will run around in circles trying to get it while the C++ version is already done. Anything where speed can be a bottleneck is not fit to be written in pure python.

This pattern plays out over and over again. If something is resource intensive, a scripting language is not a long term solution.

Are you actually familiar with Project Euler?


Absolutely none of your arguments make sense in a context of a series of programming puzzles of fixed size. Back in the real world, there is a real need for exploratory programming on mathematical problems. I' prefer to use Python for that. If your problems are statistical, R is a better choice. C++ is a poor fit for exploratory programming.

C++ is a good choice for serious mathematical computing. But not always the best. https://www.hpcwire.com/2020/01/14/julia-programmings-dramat... shows the growing popularity of Julia, even for the most demanding computations.

Looking to the future, I would choose Rust over C++ for most new projects where people currently use C++. It seems bizarre to me that C++ evangelists can talk about type safety and ignore memory safety, when memory safety is a giant problem for security and correctness in any large program.

So, yeah. C++ is great for what it's great for. But if I'm going some exploratory back of the envelope calculations, I'm still reaching for Python. And yield is one of the reasons why.

C++ is a poor fit for exploratory programming.

It works fine for me. Are you sure this isn't just because you don't have a lot of practice with C++?

It seems bizarre to me that C++ evangelists can talk about type safety and ignore memory safety, when memory safety is a giant problem for security and correctness in any large program.

This has nothing to do with the current thread, but this isn't really a problem in modern C++. Are you you sure you are up to date with modern C++? Most programs don't look too different than python due to for iteration and auto type deduction.


I have no idea why you are trying to evangelize C++ here. I use a wide variety of languages for different purposes. For Project Euler type tasks I switched to Python about 15 years ago because of yield, and the convenience of using objects as hash keys. If you make different choices and they work for you, then have fun.

double sigh

You seem to be saying there is some advantage to python because of the yield feature and I just don't think that's true. You can keep state in a class and call a method. There are a lot of disadvantages though.

triple sigh

The generator is already maintaining a dictionary containing multiple lists that hold all the primes found so far. Even if it instead kept yielding a list of all the primes so far (rather than the most recent prime) it would take less than twice the memory usage.

I'd say the flexibility to not need to know how big of a prime you'll need is the main draw.

I obviously have a version without the memory issue.

The programming flexibility is indeed the win.

    def primes ():
        yield 2
        yield 3
        f = {}
        n = 5
        for p in primes():
            if p == 2:
            p2 = p*p
            while n < p2:
                if n in f:
                    double_p = f.pop(n)
                    m = n + double_p
                    while m in f:
                        m += double_p
                    f[m] = double_p
                    yield n
                n += 2
            f[n] = 2*p

This allocates a dictionary and the primes() generator for every single prime generated though, so it still has the memory issue, unless there's something I'm missing about how it works?

Put a debugging statement in and you'll verify that the dictionary only contains primes up to the square root of the one just generated.

To do that it recursively contains a second prime generator that only produces up to the square root. Which contains one that produces up to the fourth root. And so on until you get down to 3. The work and memory for those recursive generators is a rounding error compared to the initial prime generator. The work and memory saved by not keeping unnecessary primes is a significant win.

Oh, thanks for the explanation, I get how it works now. I hadn't seen this trick for an unbounded prime sieve before, and it's a nice idea.

> If one ends up creating a large list of prime numbers with this generator

But one does not always end up creating a large list of prime numbers, do they?

> why not just return a large list of prime numbers?

Because that requires upfront knowledge of the filtering factor or absence thereof.

A generator means you don't care, you generate an infinite sequence and the consumer is free to do whatever they want.

> It is obvious that returning an array of prime numbers is what one would do in C/C++/Rust.

It's certainly not obvious for Rust.

"I can't try to rewrite it in C++ or Rust for now, due to the lack of generator support; the yield statement is what makes this code so nice and elegant, and alternative idioms are much less convenient."

That is the context of the first sentence in your comment, pretty much the only part I left alone.

Everything I replied to is the opinion you personally expressed.

And note that the author had already preempted your comment in the first place:

> When we want a list of all the primes below some known limit, gen_primes_upto is great, and performs fairly well. There are two issues with it, though:

> We have to know what the limit is ahead of time; this isn't always possible or convenient.

If the problem is outputting the primes, then storing them in a list is not a necessary part of that problem.

When writing ‘fizz buzz’, would you expect to return an array of 100 strings, some of which are numbers, some ‘fizz’es and some ‘buzz’es?

It's a bit of a convolution, but let's say we've got some iterator of unknown size and we want to have a prime each iteration. We can do the following in python, which saves us from having to pre-compute the primes _or_ know how long `some_iterator` is.

primes = gen_primes() for item, prime in zip(some_iterator, primes):

This implementation runs until it crashes. So you need a way to output the values as you go, or they will be lost when you run out of memory. It also lets you control how many values are generated if you just want to see a few without actually using all the RAM.

Can I just say how surprised I am the many people have a favourite prime number generator.

I can’t say I have a favourite but I do enjoy multiplying two random prime numbers with each other and using the random result when I need a random number with added random.

That doesn't seem like a good way to generate "random" numbers, since it will only produce numbers with exactly two prime factors.

Correct. It will almost never produce an even number, so there's already one bit of entropy lost. It will also never produce lots of other numbers.

Thanks all, I hadn’t considered that but we do only use it for silly things and nothing work related but it’s worth a consideration.

A way to add even more random is to generate a list of N random primes, then shuffling it M times before multiplying the elements. N and M are of course random positive integers.

To add maximum random, sometimes I like to return a string with a random Gertrude Stein quote, segfault, or make the PC speaker beep instead of returning a number. So random!

This person has an incredible work ethic

Nice, I like the optimization replacing the list, and just hunting for the next 'free' composite for the prime.

Teaching my kids coding, we also arrived at most of the other optimizations, in Janet:

  (defn primes-sieve []
    (fiber/new (fn []
      (yield 2) # the only even prime, yield it explicitly.
      (let [sieve (table/new (math/pow 2 12))]
        (loop [n :range [3 nil 2]]  # only odd numbers
          (if-let [current-composite (sieve n)]
              (each prime-factor current-composite
                (let [next-composite-key (+ n (* 2 prime-factor))] # add 2*prime-factor, else composite would be even
                  (if-let [next-composite (sieve next-composite-key)]
                    (array/push next-composite prime-factor)
                    (put sieve next-composite-key @[prime-factor]))))
              (put sieve n nil))
              (yield n)
              (put sieve (* n n) @[n])) # next composite is n^2. Anything less is composite a smaller prime, already in the sieve

The fastest variant I know of this algorithm is the one found at https://stackoverflow.com/a/3796442/6899 :

    import itertools as it
    def erat3( ):
        D = { 9: 3, 25: 5 }
        yield 2
        yield 3
        yield 5
        MASK= 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
        MODULOS= frozenset( (1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29) )

        for q in it.compress(
                it.islice(it.count(7), 0, None, 2),
            p = D.pop(q, None)
            if p is None:
                D[q*q] = q
                yield q
                x = q + 2*p
                while x in D or (x%30) not in MODULOS:
                    x += 2*p
                D[x] = p

This adds two things over the OP's initial version, both mentioned in the post: wheel factorization (with 30), and the "linear probing" to avoid lists. It's possible to keep improving (up to a point) by using e.g. wheel with 210 instead of 30, and so on, if one doesn't mind hard-coding more and more.

isn't hardcoding 2 3 and 5 a bit of a cheat ? It seems like you could hardcode it to yield the X next primes and it'd be faster.

The point isn’t hardcoding those numbers. The point is that you don’t iterate on any multiples of those numbers (which we know are composite) and doing allows us to eliminate 2/3 of the iterations. It’s an extension of enumerating over only odd numbers, which eliminates 1/2 of the iterations.

Hardcoding those values is a semi-requirement of the above technique.

Thank you, it makes more sense now.

My favorite one:

    d = defaultdict(list)
    # Magic
    for i in range(2, 10000):
            for y in i in d and d.pop(i) or [i]:
                d[i+y] += (y,)
    # Not sure how to print this in a succinct way


  from collections import defaultdict

  d = defaultdict(list)
  for i in range(2, 10000):
      for y in d.pop(i, [i]):
          d[i + y].append(y)
  for y in sorted(y for x in d.values() for y in x):

There's a functional / lazy version I like that uses a priority queue in order to get the next prime number https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf

It basically uses the priority queue to store all the composites up to a certain point and then you can assume the next one is prime.

I had some (admittedly not well written) code for it too https://gist.github.com/weskerfoot/4699275

It can also incorporates the wheel factorization optimization mentioned in this article.

Reminds me of the time where I've implemented highly optimised version of Sieve of Eratosthenes in Java, just for a Code Golf Challenge.

Memory Usage is greatly reduced by using BitSet.



OMG, it's been 8 years already!

My favourite prime number generator is this one using go channels to create filters. Not efficient but fun.


And another one:

The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf

He said he has "used this code many times"... have you ever needed to find prime numbers in your daily programming?

to those who flagged my "do you even crypto bro?" comment:

even a little research into cryptography will inform you that prime numbers are used heavily in encryption algorithms.


Don't try to pull a "even a little research" bullshit comment on me.

"even a little research" will tell you people shouldn't roll your own cryptography and to just use a library.

So, this still doesn't answer my question.

you'll never be in cicada 3301 with that kinda attitude my guy!

but to counter your point: people do have to write those libraries that you depend on. others have to validate them, and yet still others are doing their best efforts to invalidate them and attack them.

but you are correct that most people should not roll their own cryptography suites.

Simple C based approach on Sieve of Eratosthenes (by yours truly):

* https://github.com/intc/c-notes/blob/master/threads/4-thrd_e...


Here's a solution in k, that uses a similar array oriented approach:

I wrote a little explanation of it, in case anyone is curious about how it works: https://github.com/kidd/arraylangs-index/blob/master/noteboo...

    {(~T∊T∘.×T)/T←1↓⍳⍵} 25
    {T~∘∊∘.×⍨T←1↓⍳⍵} 25
    ((⊢~∘∊∘.×⍨)1↓⍳) 25

What language is that? AWK??

It's an APL sieve, for an input of 15 (primes up to 15) it does these steps:

First 15 integers:

          ⍳ 15
    │1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15│
1 element dropped from the front of that:

    │2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15│
That array stored in variable T:

A table of outer-product multiplication, T by T:

    ↓ 4  6  8 10 12  14  16  18  20  22  24  26  28  30│
    │ 6  9 12 15 18  21  24  27  30  33  36  39  42  45│
    │ 8 12 16 20 24  28  32  36  40  44  48  52  56  60│
    │10 15 20 25 30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75│
    │12 18 24 30 36  42  48  54  60  66  72  78  84  90│
    │14 21 28 35 42  49  56  63  70  77  84  91  98 105│
    │16 24 32 40 48  56  64  72  80  88  96 104 112 120│
    │18 27 36 45 54  63  72  81  90  99 108 117 126 135│
    │20 30 40 50 60  70  80  90 100 110 120 130 140 150│
    │22 33 44 55 66  77  88  99 110 121 132 143 154 165│
    │24 36 48 60 72  84  96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180│
    │26 39 52 65 78  91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195│
    │28 42 56 70 84  98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210│
    │30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225│
The elements of T which exist (are found) in the multiplication table, boolean result:

    │0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1│
Showing that together with the input, 4 6 8 are found, 2 3 5 are not:

    ↓2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15│
    │0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1  1  0  1  0  1  1│
Numbers not found in the multiplication table are prime, so invert the test result so primes get 1 and composites get 0:

    │1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0│
Use that to 'compress' the input to keep things where the 1 positions are and drop things where the 0s are:

    │2 3 5 7 11 13│
You can play with it at https://tryapl.org/ using the bar at the top to enter the symbols.

It's got funny symbols, so I assume APL. [1]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APL_(programming_language)

This is a paper which describes a fast lazy sieve of ersthostenes: https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf

I just use the Prime Number Shitting Bear personally: http://alpha61.com/primenumbershittingbear/

I've always enjoyed the Perl regex solution.

What are you using your prime numbers for?

PaaS - Primes as a Service; spun out of the IaaS, Integers as a Service

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