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Can you be more specific? What makes this so much better than others?

For me one of the key features is the integrated TLS server, so my backups can be transferred over the internet at decent speeds. Tools based on SSH all suffer from the SSH window limit and will never reach high speeds over the internet.

I can't find anything about this SSH window limit, or really anything around SSH being slower than TLS, aside from a limit to the number of concurrent sessions. Any links?

What are you talking about? Is this some '00s problems that were fixed long time ago and now you're repeating some myths ? I'm getting same (~300Mbit) speeds via nginx+ TLS as I get via SSH for just file download

It is indeed an old problem (small fixed size buffers) but it hasn't really been fixed, they only increased the buffer size. You'll only run into this on high bandwidth, high latency connections, e.g. between NYC and AMS - you'll be limited to about 300mbps with stock OpenSSH.

https://www.psc.edu/hpn-ssh-home/hpn-ssh-faq/ has a patchset that fixes the problem.

I missed that when I was comparing them - good point. Right now my ZFS backups are on the same LAN, and stuff going off-site isn’t using send/recv, but this is an excellent point.

You have just blown my mind. I can't believe I did not consider this before. Much thanks!

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