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There is no doubt that it's co-opting baja or rally, but it's bringing the sport and suspensions (so to speak) to non-arid places. It's almost a manifestation of Excitebike but with 3000lbs baja trucks on F1 tracks. I love it, personally.

Each to their own, in the Kimberley and later the Pilbara I used to ride a dirt bike 30km to high school every morning, same back in the afternoon.

The early attachment to off road sticks with you :)

> Each to their own,

> I used to ride a dirt bike 30km to high school every morning

I true bogan. I appreciate that.

I appreciate the typo, although Asimov's title would be I, True Bogan.

As for myself, sure, save for small details such as having all my teeth, a degree or three, a few million SLOC of geophysics code, and back end credits for a few S&P modules and other odds and sods about the web.

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