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casual reminder from an un-cool diesel engine mechanic, these trucks are exempt from most state, local and federal emissions regulation by definition. You can be exposed to not only Methanol and Diesel exhaust but particulate and aerosolized forms of the fuels as well. If there is a fire you can be exposed to soot wax and ash. if the venue is indoors, thats nearly five hours of exposure.

some of the largest monster trucks are also the noisiest and can approach nearly 125 db. if you bring your kids you need to bring ear protection and teach them how to wear it.

eye protection (if youre seated close) is also a pretty good idea. again, the regulations for a monster truck rally are near nonexistent. they are fun to attend though.

Ear protection is hugely important here and at races. You need to get it and bring it and wear it.

And wear it properly.

The cheap foam earplugs work very well, but they have to go surprisingly far up inside your ear, and be held in place for longer than you think while they expand.

Sounds like a respirator or gas mask is also important.

It could be, but in general humans are pretty good at recovering from non continuous exposure to gasses and chemicals (except radiation).

But hearing can be broken in an instant.

Maybe, but I think it's better to avoid sitting in a closed space for hours with non-emissions-controlled engines running.

Ear protection is certainly warranted, but how many kids wear their air pods at max volume? It's only 105db or so, but still right in there.

125 dB?

Just “dB” is unit-less. It’s like saying the sound pressure level is “6”.

Peak noise levels have been measured at 139 dBA st these shows.


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