Saudi Arabia is a shit hole country run by idiots who have so much fucking money but absolutely no ethics, morals, or values. they are the hollowest of the rich little so pathetic.
I'd extend this to anyone on friendly terms with them, so both major political parties, PGA, etc. These are their supporters enabling all of their behavior.
Going to say the unsaid here: Why tf are Ethiopians trying to enter Saudi from Yemen (an active war zone) for economic reasons? Ethiopia has it's shit together! It's becoming one of Africa's success stories!
It feels like there's a growing sentiment of "you can just move anywhere you want, there's no reason to try to fix where you are, if you can make a bit more money somewhere just move there, you have a right to." That might fly in Sweden but it absolutely is not true about 90% of the world, and the people that enforce those norms aren't always going to be friendly.
Saudi doesn't give a shit about HRW, and they don't give a shit about Twitter outrage. Neither does Myanmar, or China, etc. You cannot just force your way into these places because you don't want to make it work in your homeland (which, again, is booming economically:
Obviously, no one should be murdered for trying to cross a border. That doesn't mean you won't be - and the growing amount of migration means this will keep happening. Particularly when it's "choice migration" - these aren't people going to Kenya or Djibouti.