Watching someone dying and not doing anything about it is different than telling someone to kill himself on a forum. Also, read my comment again. I never said I hoped they get charged with something, I said it would be interesting to see if they do. There will be a public outcry and no doubt some prosecutor is going to try to pin some charges against them.
Watching someone dying and not doing anything about it is different than telling someone to kill himself on a forum.
Yeah, I hate it when consenting adults make their own decisions. I mean, the nerve!! Don't they know that dying is Really Bad?
There will be a public outcry and no doubt some prosecutor is going to try to pin some charges against them.
You do know that this is not the first time that someone has killed themselves on a webcam, right? No charges have ever stuck before, so I don't see why they would this time.
(My point phrased less cynically: telling a commenter on a forum to kill himself should not be the same crime as flattening someone with your car.)