Tried 4 kinds, 3 built and bites and one based on dental impressions.
I would recommend trying out a boil and bite just to see if it helps at all. The cheap ones wear out faster but with SnoreLab and such you can evaluate the difference for the first couple of weeks. They also fall out of your mouth easier and are pretty bulky.
The one I would recommend is VitalSleep, it just seemed to have a nicer build quality and it has adjustable screws for different jaw sizes. No major complaints.
I also had success with SnoreRx but it caused a bit more discomfort, sometimes got stuck on my lip, and I woke up with way worse dry mouth / drooling.
I'm using ClearGuard now which is a way sleeker build. I wouldn't say it works any better or worse but it definitely feels better.
For the record, my best results were with one of those things that stuck on your tongue to keep it forward but they fall out if you look at them funny and your tongue feels pretty beat up so I was concerned about long term effects.
I found three or four different products branding themselves as “ClearGuard”, and they all look pretty much like my old anti-bruxism splint - hard and very uncomfortable. Do you have any links to the one you had success with?
I would recommend trying out a boil and bite just to see if it helps at all. The cheap ones wear out faster but with SnoreLab and such you can evaluate the difference for the first couple of weeks. They also fall out of your mouth easier and are pretty bulky.
The one I would recommend is VitalSleep, it just seemed to have a nicer build quality and it has adjustable screws for different jaw sizes. No major complaints.
I also had success with SnoreRx but it caused a bit more discomfort, sometimes got stuck on my lip, and I woke up with way worse dry mouth / drooling.
I'm using ClearGuard now which is a way sleeker build. I wouldn't say it works any better or worse but it definitely feels better.
For the record, my best results were with one of those things that stuck on your tongue to keep it forward but they fall out if you look at them funny and your tongue feels pretty beat up so I was concerned about long term effects.