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I use VIM almost exclusively at work because I do most of my development on a virtual SUSE machine.

I do enjoy using Sublime 2 with vintage mode for stuff when I can. I love the accessibility of ctrl+p <filename> to open files quickly.

The development environment I still dream of is to somehow merge the linux terminal with something like Sublime 2. If I could have a separate Sublime tab open that I could use as a terminal, I would easily pay for that.

Can one of you guys who is a lot smarter than me go ahead and build that? Thanks.

I'm trying to do exactly that (embed a terminal, not make you pay for it) with https://github.com/wuub/SublimePTY, but the progress has slowed down to a stop lately because of humongous pileup at work.

You can also try SublimeREPL [https://github.com/wuub/SublimeREPL] / Shell for now, but it's good only for very basic stuff as SublimeREPL does not aim to be a terminal emulator at all.

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