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We have been able to bootstrap Aha! from zero to over $100 million in annual revenue without any external funding. We have written about some of our experiences at https://www.bootstrap.company/ and https://www.aha.io/blog/collection/bootstrap-movement.

I run a bootstrapped software company, not at the $100M scale.

My interest piqued I clicked, had a look at Aha! (having never heard of it before) and immediately thought - hey I could use this. You got me, ka pai, haha.

Any insight on how to navigate inflexion points that seemingly require more capital that cashflow allows? Stay true and spend less? Number 8 wire might not be the same solution today as it once was, that's my worry.

In a business that is more capital intensive than SaaS bootstrapping is likely to be a lot harder. The beauty of SaaS is that expenses scale smoothly with revenue so you never need large capital infusions.

It may be tempting to think "if only I had enough money for a big advertising campaign". But if you are not seeing that small investments in advertising result in corresponding small increases in revenue, then it is very unlikely that a big investment in advertising will result in a big return.

When something is working well it is blindingly obvious. If you are having to look hard for signs of positivity then it is not working. Lots of money can only serve to make things appear successful for a limited period of time.

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