If you've learned anything in your 20-year mental health journey, I hope it would be that not everyone is exactly like you, nor needs the same things you need. It's remarkably self-centered to assume the prescription that's suited you is exactly right for everyone else, don't you think?
And some people are aware that "all interpersonal conflict derives ultimately from unresolved childhood trauma" is one school of thought among many, and no more guaranteed to offer anything generally dispositive than any other.
If it worked for you, that's great! No joke, that's fantastic. But not for nothing, too, is there the old joke about the guy who just started a 12-step program and now no sooner sees someone take a drink in a bar but assumes they're an alcoholic.
“What works for you only works for you, so you might not have discovered that it works for anything else, but only if you were really paying attention.”