A big reason is because I started a working towards a PhD recently, and so I've been more focused on that. I think micro has also reached a relatively stable spot, where it would only be significantly improved with some large new features. It is serving its purpose well as a simple/familiar terminal-based editor. I have plans to give it more love and release a version 3, but no timeframe.
Like other comments here, just want to say thank you for this amazing editor! It has been my primary code editor for the past few years. I did use a few different editors for specific purposes(vscode for interactively proving coq code, joe/nvi for editing super large files), but micro does provide what I need in 90% of the cases :P
Thank you so much for micro ! I've been using it every day since 1 year and I'm a fan.
I'm really glad you achieved to bring it to a stable spot.
Congratulations also to keep it that way and not fall into 'a vim mode could be great' as some users requested.
As a faithful user of micro for the last couple of years, just know that its one of the first things I install in a new system along with the fish shell, especially in servers I have to manage via console. Thank you so much for your work!
because it's a text editor that's already fully capable of editing text. not every thing needs to constantly evolve and add features at a break-neck pace.