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If this is our metric then we should ban Facebook and Instagram as well.

But we won't, because they're American, and that is the only important distinction to those calling for a ban on TikTok.

No, you're comparing apples and oranges. In the poll, the reason they support banning TikTok is due to security concerns about China. The person I responded to was implying that the respondents' opinions are irrelevant because they do not (he assumes) use the platform themselves, and my point is that using the platform does not make your opinion on this issue more or less valid. Nobody is using addiction as a metric for banning anything in this case.

"Security concerns about China..." as more than half of the products you buy are from China. Your phone, router, bluetooth earbuds, chips in your car, the smart assistance that has an always on microphone, your smart TV that observes everything you watch and listens with a mic...

But this free app that some people use definitely needs to be banned because "China". Selective jingoism.

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