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The TextFX Project (withgoogle.com)
74 points by kinduff on Aug 17, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Don't miss the YouTube video with Lupe Fiasco [0]. The cynic in me says that this might be all marketing; I would be curious to know if he's actually using LLMs regularly to write songs.

So many people think AI will entirely replace artists, writers, creatives, etc. but I increasingly believe that (for the foreseeable future) we're just giving these folks a new set of superior tools. Taste still matters. Being able to ask the right questions still matters.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYp18JAvKkQ

The graphic artist at my company agrees. He says it's a great tool that he uses often, but it will never replace the creativity of the human mind (at least, for the foreseeable future).

I think about these tools upping the lower threshold of what is an acceptable entry level for creatives. Being decent isn't going to be good enough to be hired, because if you settle for decent, an AI powered tool can do it for you. Any "bulk content" job (aspiring journalists writing bullshit pieces, photographers honing their skills while shooting b-roll, etc) is going to die.

Maybe it's fine that only the few naturally talented and self-taught creatives can find work. Getting better through labor might not be an option in the future.

What else could he say?

His customers/employees will decide.

I gotta be honest on first viewing the site I was expecting it to be generative AI for animated text treatments (a la After Effects) instead of LLM text modification.

Me too, had to watch the video to fully understand how to use the tool. At first I tried to find the copy button to copy the effect (assuming it was like CSS, or something like that), but nonetheless a pleasant surprise when I discovered the real usage (I like to write songs and poems, so this is gold for me).

The branding is very not Google but actually very cool. I hope they move towards a more fun, colorful, edgy style.

This feels more like a tool that arrests creativity before it can even put its shoes on.

Weird how no one noticed this like 10 days ago... did Google not promote it?

(Well almost no one https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37044844)

Trying the fuse feature, seemed the most interesting:

> spaghetti ≈ trumpet

> Both spaghetti and a trumpet can be difficult to eat without making a mess—spaghetti with its long, slippery noodles, and a trumpet with its wide, flared bell.

ok google

Fun to play with.

Bug report: input field in the demo doesn't behave like normal, I can type but autocorrect and autocomplete doesn't work. Probably just listening to key presses, no idea why you would do that though.

My CPU immediately jumped to 50% usage and 65C with a 360mm AIO. The culprit I think is that vertical scrolling text because usage drops when I scroll down.

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