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"The Chip", second edition. Starts with the invention of the vacuum tube, ends with the US-China chip war. In between, you learn that the first semiconductors were hand-make, using a clay mud on bulk substrate to protect areas to be etched. Fair warning, he leaves out as much interesting material as he left in.

In a similar vein, "Chip War" by Chris Miller is a more recent look at this. Not at all as dry as I expected it to be, surprisingly gripping for someone who didn't previously know much about this. It also provides a lot of historical context for the recent news of TSMC setting up factories in the US and Germany.

I thoroughly enjoyed "the chip war". From the history perspective, the technology perspective, the politics and even the human side of it. How people growing up in the misery of ww2 went on build something that ended up shaping the world we live in.

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