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This thread must have at least one A Fire Upon the Deep reference, so I'll do it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Fire_Upon_the_Deep

Edit: tldr; Vernor Vinge, the guy who originally coined the phrase "the singularity", wrote a really excellent SciFi novel about information archaeology, artificial intelligence, galaxy-spanning civilizations, black holes, and all sorts of other dope ish.

Totally unrelated, I had hoped "ish" died. For the unaware, the youths 10 years ago were using that as a substitute for "shit." It is a dumb new word because it already exists and means "approximately" or "slightly" as a suffix. So dopish is slightly dopey (slow/dumb). Yes, I subscribe mostly to words evolving. I don't like this case specifically. </tangent>

Ha! Intellectually I completely agree. This particular term has recently worked its way back into my social circle's lexicon because we all have young kids and are trying to swear less. I'm not sure I have ever used it in writing before, and I guess I never will again!

sorry; you do you. I just couldn't help it :p

Just finished that book last night. Highly recommend, its incredibly original.

Or The Opoponax Invasion.

This is one of my favourite sci-fi books.

Thank you for the recommendation. Growing up I was a big fan of John Brosnan's trilogy Sky Lords - post apocalyptic / genetic wars sci-fi with zepellins - what is there not to like :).

Seeing this is by Brosnan as well means it's an instant buy for me.

I know Brosnan because my initial meeting with hard sci-fi was by reading a Polish magazine about sci-fi which printed one of his stories. Good times.

He was a great author and I'm sad that he will not write any more stories .. he is unfortunately dead.

I found his books (which IMO are not that famous) because our local library had them. Otherwise I don't think I would have stumbled upon it.

Same applies to Walter Jon Williams and his Hardwired which was one of my early favorites. I was amazed to find out later that this book is one of inspirations for Cyberpunk tabletop games and Cyberpunk 2077.

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