I’m a rather progressive individual but I recognize that violence is the ultimate authority in this world.
SF is what happens when individuals are encouraged to not defend themselves or their property.
Edit: I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted.
Leverage is the most important thing in this world and in our society. And there is no greater leverage than violence or threats of violence. I don’t like it, but that’s the way it is.
It isn't so much people can't defend themselves as much as not enforcing the laws, which in part happens because those in power hold a certain perspective of human nature. It seems they think humans are inherently good and that violent crime happens because of the consequences of our economic system.
> those in power hold a certain perspective of human nature
If those people in power are too stupid to be poor, then it becomes even more important for the store owners to hire private armed security agencies to prevent all. Local communities too should arm themselves and make examples out of few people.
One does not have to go on a rampage. Couple of tiktok teens trying to rob GUCCI need to be shot. Everyone else then quickly finds good in their heart.
Seems like it resolved the immediate issue.
Store owner did not lose thousands of $ for which he said he was not insured.
Perp. was not killed and was able to walk away. Optimally he learned his lesson, especially regarding threatening people with a knife (real or not).
Proper resolution should have been the perp. arrest, conviction and incarceration but thats hard to get in SF.
It was in Stockton. The city initially mulled over charging the store owner but some of us stepped in and made it very clear that the store owner will have the best defense team money and can buy and wide coverage. The city then complete backed off.