Thanks! We really appreciate the in-depth feedback.
Indeed, we've seem many people building similar alternatives using in-house solutions on top of Kubernetes. In fact, that's the main barrier to adoption we've found so far.
The Terraform point is really interesting. In our earlier solution we tried to use compose files because we thought they'd be easier to implement. In reality what happened was that most people couldn't use it because they had more complex infra (or at least _wanted_ to have more complex infra) in their previews.
Especially after the whole TF situation we'll probably be looking into other ways to configure it anyway.
Indeed, we've seem many people building similar alternatives using in-house solutions on top of Kubernetes. In fact, that's the main barrier to adoption we've found so far.
The Terraform point is really interesting. In our earlier solution we tried to use compose files because we thought they'd be easier to implement. In reality what happened was that most people couldn't use it because they had more complex infra (or at least _wanted_ to have more complex infra) in their previews.
Especially after the whole TF situation we'll probably be looking into other ways to configure it anyway.