You hit the nail right on the money. Every time I accidentally open Edge through the Windows search, it never ceases to shut up about itself. There is fanfare, there are notifications for details I don't care about, popups showing me all the features that are standard in any web browser.
You know what would make me use your browser Microsoft? Getting the hell out of my way. I do not care that it's Edge, I don't care that it's new, I don't care that it has 7 ways to input and take pictures and who knows what else. Just show me the search result.
Contrast this to how Safari behaves when it pops up to show you something. It just gives you the web page. That's it.
- People were trained to automatically install a new browser on their computers when they got it.
- Edge is a never ending nagfest and that became another prompt to go and download Chrome.
Less is more was probably the better strategy to take with Edge.