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The key code is here: https://github.com/dnakov/little-rat/blob/f0b9b6be39af9fe7f4...

  chrome.declarativeNetRequest.onRuleMatchedDebug.addListener((e) => {
    if (e.request.initiator?.startsWith('chrome-extension://')) {
Given that the extension is using a "Debug" API, it seems unlikely that the Chrome Web Store will approve. "Only available for unpacked extensions with the declarativeNetRequestFeedback permission as this is intended to be used for debugging purposes only." https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/decla...

Yeah, that's correct. The extension loads a rules_1.json file that just "allow"s all traffic originating from third-party scripts through, then logs just the URL of each request coming from a chrome extension. There's probably a way to do this with chrome.webRequest, I'll experiment with that, but generally that one is more expensive in terms of performance.

> There's probably a way to do this with chrome.webRequest

Network requests initiated by other extensions in their own context are not visible to other extensions through the webRequest API.

Damn, I was gonna go research it just in case, but then I noticed who posted this. Mad respect for your work!

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