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"Readability" works terribly when your company is acquired and your team enters all at the same time.

Google has (or had ~10 years ago), a thing called "readability" for each language, where in order to be allowed to commit code to the central "google3" repo, you needed to have written some large amount of code in that language, and needed to have a readability reviewer sign off on your code. The process is designed for slowly on-boarding junior people into a team, and introducing them to google coding style and practices. Eg, the senior, mentoring folks on the team do the reviews and bring the new person up to speed. I imagine it must work well in that context.

However, this breaks down when your entire team is new. How do you find somebody to review the code? All several million lines of the product that was acquired? Especially when it is written in multiple languages.

So we were basically locked out of the main corporate repo, unable to do anything productive. We finally figured out that there was a paved path with a git repo used by the kernel team (and android?) that had none of these hurdles, where we could put our code and get productive immediately.

"Readability" is very much still a thing. It's a mess and would be one of the worst things to take from Google. If you can't enforce the code style you like through autoformatters and linting, it's not worth enforcing.

I kind of disagree in the sense that readability indirectly forces someone who has been at Google for a while/ is more experienced to have to sign off on new people’s code. Without it, you could have some very junior members with OWNERS reviewing other very junior members’ code.

And there is more to style than just linting, IMO. For example in C++ there are some complex macro-based test predicates that are hard to learn and use but which greatly simplify/improve on naive testing. Part of the point of C++ readability is that people who understand this stuff teach new people how to use them, or at least introduce them to concept, during code review

> I kind of disagree in the sense that readability indirectly forces someone who has been at Google for a while/ is more experienced to have to sign off on new people’s code. Without it, you could have some very junior members with OWNERS reviewing other very junior members’ code.

Exactly. It is very likely for a lot of junior engineers will be working with other junior engineers, and they will in fact have the most specific knowledge of the part of the project that they are implementing. And human nature makes it so people are afraid of being judged by their "superiors". Readability makes so that it breaks that barrier, guarantees that a more senior engineer will be involved, and will teach the ropes into writing readable, mantainable code to nooglers.

I dunno, I am pretty sure I got Java readability the second month I was at Google and was already in the OWNERS file.

I was a readability reviewer and most of the readability CLs were the first project a person worked on at Google, often rather unnecessary but redone strictly to meet readability requirements (largely new code, more than X lines, etc.). I would go back and forth for quite a while to turn 1000 careless lines of throwaway code into 50 lines that were actually good, but I basically had to grant readability after that one interaction, and it never felt great to me.

The most hated readability process at Google was Go's process (at least in the early days; k8s is obviously not using it), but I think it was actually one of the best. It took me a long time to get Go readability, but after going through the process I feel like I'd write the same Go code as anyone on the Go team. When I look at people's open source projects I think to myself "don't they know that that Simply Isn't Done?" But of course they don't; Go readability can only be experienced, not explained. People didn't like that process, and I am sure I said nasty things about it at the time, but in retrospect I really like it.

As someone who quit Google in large part because of all the stuff like readability that I ran into there (red tape everywhere in sight, low productivity due to process, zero urgency bc everyone is fat off the money-printer, no deadlines for the same reasons, etc.), I was about to strongly disagree with you, and write yet another excoriating take on why readability is AlwaysBad(tm) and etc, etc. I did already snark elsewhere here...

After taking a walk and reflecting, though, I'm remembering something that my manager said to me when I gave notice. Google is not for everyone, for a lot of reasons, and especially a lot of people who came up in startups really have problems (which is ironic since so many startups come out of people leaving Google). How you feel about readability may actually be a pretty good test of whether you will fit in at Google in the current era: it's not a small, scrappy company anymore that gets shit done quickly using whatever tool is most efficient RIGHT NOW and ships it as fast as possible to see if it gets product/market fit. It's a behemoth that runs one of the most prolific money-printing machines that has ever been built, and fucking that up would be a DISASTER. It'd be better to have half the engineers at the company do literally nothing for 10 out of 12 months in the year than to let someone accidentally break the money-printing machine for a day while they figure out how to fix it.

And obviously, it's better if everyone is productive even as they're shuffled around from project to project (which they will be, a lot), which means that you want as little "voice" as possible in their code. At a lot of companies you can tell exactly who wrote a line of code just by the style (naming, patterns, etc.), without even checking git blame, but at a place like Google individual styles cause problems. So the goal is to erase as much individual voice/style/preference as possible, and make sure that anyone can slot in and take over at any point, without having to bother the person that originally wrote the code to explain it (they might be at another project, another division, another company, and even if they're still at Google there is a very strong sense that once a handoff is complete, you should not be bugging people to provide support for stuff they've moved on from).

In that sense coding at Google is a lot closer to singing in a choir than being the frontman in a band: you need to commit to and be happy with minimizing what makes you unique or quirky, rather than trying to accentuate it and stand out. Some top-tier singers just can't force their vibratos down, or hide their distinctive timbres, or learn to blend with a group, and are absolute trash in a choir; it's not their fault or some ego failure, it's just that there are some voice types that don't work in groups, and that's fine, you just don't add those people to a choir.

At least below director-level (or maybe L7 equivalent on an IC track), Google doesn't need individuals to come in and shake things up, bust apart processes and "10x" a codebase. That's startup shit, and even if it might sometimes be worth some risk for the high payoff, it's too dangerous for them to allow for the thousands upon thousands of (still quite senior, sometimes 15+ years of experience) L4 or L5s at the company. The same process that prevents that from happening also makes sure that the entire machine keeps humming along smoothly. If being a part of that smoothly functioning machine while painting within the lines is exciting, then Google can be one of the best places on the planet to work; if you would be driven crazy because you can't flex and YOLO a prototype out to users in a couple days, then it's really not going to be for you.

I'm in the latter camp, I couldn't handle almost anything about the process and was so desperate to move quickly that I started talking to investors to line up my own funding a few months after I joined, but even as a quick-quit (<1 year), I have the utmost respect for the company and the people, and highly recommend it to almost everyone who applies there (the exception being people like me who TBH should just be doing their own startups). Everything they do has a pretty well thought out reason, even if I don't like following those rules myself.

Readability is far, far more than formatting and linting. I hate the current system a lot, but no linter or autoformatter knows if an identifier is appropriately named or if a function is properly decomposed.

Autoformatters and linter presubmit checks are used extensively at Google. Readability has nothing to do with those. It exists for everything else - ensuring that code is structured properly and idiomatically. Readability talks about structuring code, using the proper tools and containers where possible, and more. Everything from "that method should be named differently" to "you can use this function to do that thing you just wrote code for" to "this could be done with Immutable containers if you A, B, and C" and so much more.

The way it's supposed to work is that acquired teams get lots of support on integration, including readability. This helps your team get integrated into writing Google-style code. Not sure why that didn't work out in this case?

(Left Google a year ago)

This. Someone dropped the ball.

There's a form to get your corner of the codebase exempted from readability temporarily. This gives your team a quarter or two to build up readability.

A quarter or two isn't going to be enough for a drastic realignment of a large codebase. It's a start, but only a start.

Readability is usually applied in an incremental way. You don't have to fix all the code to make it conformant. If there are concerns about consistency, the style guide actually encourages people to prefer consistency over its own rule.

The 1-2 quarters is just to "realign" the SWEs, not the codebase.

Old code can usually be left as-is unless there some particularly egregious security hole or the like.

"Readability" requirement is still a thing, but it isn't for every single piece of code in G3, and I haven't worked close enough to it to think about the exact mechanism of how it applies.

My previous team - pretty much any python submission was hitting me with a python "readability" requirement, and it was a bit painful, because only a single person in my entire group of teams (roughly 15 people total) had the "python readability expert" status. My current team - already submitted quite a few significant C++/TS/Java pieces of code to G3, and not a single "readability" requirement triggered.

There’s now an explicit safeguard against that.

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