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What's weird about popcount?

I'd guess to the "Surely my computer is a 1:1 mapping of the C programming language" people the expectation is that their CPU will have two increment instructions, two decrement instructions, and nothing like popcount. After all, C doesn't have a popcount operator.

I have this terrible feeling that somewhere down the line we're going to get a generation of people who assumed the computer is a 1:1 mapping of Python -- a friend who teaches CS for a major university explained that they're going to teach Python as first language for Computer Science undergraduates starting 2024.

> a friend who teaches CS for a major university explained that they're going to teach Python as first language for Computer Science undergraduates starting 2024

I think this is significantly more common than you think it is.

Also python has an extremely rich type system, can be completely duck typed as well, and does effectively everything you would need to know about in a CS degree, at least in the first semester or two, other than manual memory management. Which is significantly easier when you have a firm grasp of other aspects of programming.

There are multiple approaches to teaching, starting with python and then moving lower down later isn't necessary a bad move. Who says starting with assembly/C and moving up is a good move?

Oxford and Cambridge both begin with an ML, the same way I was taught last century (although of course it's a different ML today, I believe one of them uses Ocaml).

Unavoidably I am biased, but I nevertheless feel confident that this is the correct way to teach programming to CS students in particular. One reason to use an ML, and especially to use a less common ML, is to create a level playing field. Teaching Python, Java (as they do today at his institution), or C (yes that happens) means some of the fresh students have months, maybe years, even occasionally decades of prior practical experience in the "first language" before day one. These students will find most, or even all, of the exercises trivial and so they won't actually learn what you were teaching, which may surprise them too, they're also likely to be disruptive, after all they're bored because this is easy.

Now, for just a "level playing field" you could choose almost anything unpopular these days. Pascal? Scheme? Fortran? But that's not the only reason. MLs have a nice type system, which is great because probably simultaneously on the theory side of their course your students are learning about types, and Hindley–Milner gets you from a theory to a real world, from why this is a good idea, to huh, the machine did exactly what I meant, that's neat. If your colleagues are teaching them a sane approach to types, but you're teaching a language which says YOLO, everything is just a bag of bits don't worry about it, that's not a cohesive message. Likewise for function composition. It'd be nice if the first language you're teaching has actual bona fide mandatory TCO, so that when the nice elegant explanation in the theory class shows tail calls, the result in your practical class isn't a room full of stack overflow errors (or worse).

This is reasonable for a First Language because you're expecting to teach these students several languages. The same doesn't apply to say, an optional module for Geographers that gets them enough Python to use a GIS competently. But we are (hopefully) not relying on Geographers to invent the next Python.

I don't know if I agree with ML as the first language to teach students.

The syntax is vastly different from most of the "C like" languages out there and any functional style code is miles away from what actually gets executed by the CPU.

The fact that you even mentioned TCO means you are aware of that since that is a compiler level optimisation, effectively replacing your recursion with an imperative set of instructions simulating a loop or even precomputing everything in the compiler.

Python also does not treat types as "a bag of bits", it very much has a very strong concept of types and you can make them explicit using annotations.

What would be the difference between running a compiler vs running something like mypy? You as the programmer still had to reason about the code all the same.

I would absolutely also argue that multiple languages should be taught since in the real world that will be expected of you, so you might as well get a head up.

Why not make the languages taught be languages you are very likely to use? I would be all for teaching C/C++, JS/TS, python, C#/Java, Go and then sure add in a ML style language as well.

The arguments for python->C->ML are pretty strong to me, you can get a very very broad exposure to a large collection of programming paradigms at a ton of abstraction levels using just that. But now we are delving into territory where I begin to argue about what should be taught so let's leave it there.

I think you're making roughly the same mistake I described in the grand-parent comment, where people confuse the C abstract machine (roughly a caricature of the PDP-11) for their very different real computer. Yes, C works very like this abstract machine, as well it might, but, that's not how your computer actually works and so if you tell students that's what's really going on you're presenting them a fiction.

If you don't like TCO because it's "effectively replacing your recursion with an imperative set of instructions simulating a loop" then you're really going to hate the fact that the machine doesn't have loops anyway, the machine just has several flavours of go-to and computed go-to, and none of the languages you're proposing to teach instead provide these hard to use primitives (no C's goto is not the full go-to complained of in the famous letter)

What you wrote will be transformed, whether it's tail calls, a for-each loop, or the C-style pointer iteration - none of these are actually what the machine does. We should not prefer to write the code that most closely resembles what it'll get transformed into. Knowing how the transformation works is interesting, probably enough to justify showing some of it in class in an undergraduate degree but the purpose of writing high level languages like C is to express ourselves more clearly, something we certainly do want these students to learn - yes it needs to be transformed into machine code, but more important is that humans, including us and often future maintenance programmers can figure out what is intended.

> I think this is significantly more common than you think it is.

For context: it was the first language taught in my CS degree in 2014. They switched to Python from Java due to its pedagogical advantages - namely, students being able to focus more on the high-level algorithmic semantics than on language design minutiae (Java) or memory management / poor diagnostics (C).

I wasn't a fan of the decision at the time, but I certainly see why they did it in hindsight!

We could make a slow human friendly machine code, show how it abstracts electronic components and then get into physics and chemistry.

It would be as fascinating as unproductive.

Maybe you’ll feel better knowing that popcount has been standardized in C23

Thanks, I didn't know about that and so I just read a summary, it's kind of sad that even the C standard library is now obliged put prefixes on names for namespace reasons, but yeah, it is good.

To be fair it’s not different from C++ although it features namespaces. One still has to write “std::foo()” in headers in order to not pollute the global namespace, and therefore in template code, anyway.

As long as they stop adding locale and global/thread-state dependent functions I’ll be quiet :)

Regarding locale, let's hope that the text conversion API makes it in the next version so we can all work in unicode and be happy.

Having python as a first programming language isn't a big disadvantage. The core elements of program optimization are still there: making sure you don't accidentally write O(n2) code etc. even if the memory management is opaque, you end up with an idea of values vs references, stacks and heaps just from some surprising edge cases in the language.

> a friend who teaches CS for a major university explained that they're going to teach Python as first language for Computer Science undergraduates starting 2024.

This is extremely widespread. My institution does it, as do many others I know of. I would not be surprised to find that Python is the most common initial programming language right now.

When I was in college (2001-2006) it was Java. I’m pretty sure the school already switched to Python for intro CS within the past few years.

What would be so terrible?

Some people will be naturally curious, as always, and they will go deeper.

And even languages like Javascript influenced the design of CPUs and even specific instructions. Nothing is "pure" in the computing field

> 1:1 mapping of the C programming language

I was pretty surprised the first time I discovered the C compiler could "reverse engineer" a "logical or of two shifts" to generate a single rotate instruction.

Idiom recognition. Some compilers had idiom recognition before C existed, because in some of the early languages the literal interpretation of the common idioms is incredibly expensive to perform, but a compiler can recognise that actually it can take massive shortcuts.

For example, sort this list of numbers into ascending order, then, take that sorted list, get the last number from it. With idiom recognition the compiler can say oh, I'll walk the list once, tracking the maximum as I go, that's much faster. In C this seems like, well, if I meant that I'd write that but I think APL is an example where the list expression is idiomatic and so that's what programmers will write but they want the fast thing.

> I have this terrible feeling that somewhere down the line we're going to get a generation of people who assumed the computer is a 1:1 mapping of Python -- a friend who teaches CS for a major university explained that they're going to teach Python as first language for Computer Science undergraduates starting 2024.

Probably better than starting with C with all its footguns and "optimistic" approach to guessing what programmer meant...

Well there have been Java bytecode & Forth optimized (if not directly executing) cpus. So you never know. ;-)

Heh you underestimate (or perhaps understate) the predictability of stupidity... somewhere down the road you'll have kids running for-loops on top of GB-large LLM models :D

now, seriously - it gets me thinking a lot that certain generation is going to be the last to be interested in assembly, but actually there are always people fascinated by the beauty of assembly language.

I'm worried about python being assumed to be the same as every language than every CPU.

The only thing weird about it is that even if it was already implemented in the first commercial computer made with vacuum tubes, because its implementation in hardware is cheap and it can be much faster than a software implementation, it was omitted in most later computers, with the exception of the most expensive computers, which were typically used mainly by government agencies, until AMD decided to implement it in AMD Barcelona (2007).

Once AMD had it, Intel followed soon in Nehalem (2009), and now most CPUs have it.

The article is somewhat misleading about population count being available in ARM NEON since 2005 (i.e. since Cortex-A8).

The 64-bit Armv8-A ISA, which was introduced in 2012, has the CNT instruction, which is indeed a population count instruction.

The 32-bit Armv7-A ISA has the VCNT instruction, which is a variant of population count, but which is much less useful than the 64-bit POPCNT provided by Cray 1, AMD Barcelona, Intel Nehalem or Armv8-A, because it works only on 8-bit words, so executing the equivalent of a 64-bit POPCNT requires a sequence of several instructions.

CNT on arm64 counts 8 or 16-bit elements too.

That was my initial reaction as well. Counting bits arises quite naturally in many places.

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