And I would be a horrible hire to lead a team where I’m expected to mentor junior developers on best practices, which packages to use, how best to work with technical debt, etc.
In the real world, I’m interviewing for positions where they are looking for leads at cloud consulting companies who can mentor juniors and that they can put in front of customers for recommendations, estimating statements of work for implementations on AWS and it’s specializing in application development where you are integrating with AWS services. I have lots of experience with most things AWS.
No one should hire me to do the same for either Azure or GCP. Sure I could do the initial discovery, pre-sales, needs analysis, business outcomes, etc. But I wouldn’t have a clue about what services to use and i definitely couldn’t mentor and help troubleshoot implementations on Azure or GCP.
How hard is it to find a few mainstream opensource projects and emulate what they're doing in a given language when it comes to packaging and best practices?
Other than awful, unsuitable for production languages like ruby.
Most open source solutions are meant to be building blocks for larger projects. It’s up to you to know what’s best for your organization based on prior experience. If you’re not in the C# ecosystem would you know how badly you are shooting yourself in the foot using Entity Framework when you should be using Dapper (a micro ORM invented and used by Stack Exchange)?
On the other hand, would you know the limitations of Dapper until your system grew and you found out that you really needed EF but because you didn’t know the tradeoffs you didn’t know what to look out for?
Everyone is replaceable. If you get hit by a bus tomorrow your company will have an open req for your position before your body gets cold.
They will send your next of kin “thoughts and prayers” and you will soon only be remembered when someone sees your name while doing a “git blame”
A less morbid example, what I call the “are you replaceable test”. Can you can hit on your boss’s spouse repeatedly at the Christmas party and have a job the next year?
In the real world, I’m interviewing for positions where they are looking for leads at cloud consulting companies who can mentor juniors and that they can put in front of customers for recommendations, estimating statements of work for implementations on AWS and it’s specializing in application development where you are integrating with AWS services. I have lots of experience with most things AWS.
No one should hire me to do the same for either Azure or GCP. Sure I could do the initial discovery, pre-sales, needs analysis, business outcomes, etc. But I wouldn’t have a clue about what services to use and i definitely couldn’t mentor and help troubleshoot implementations on Azure or GCP.