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[flagged] Evidence for Large Climate Altering Thermonuclear Explosions on Mars in the Past (researchgate.net)
18 points by reocha on Aug 11, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

This is crankery. Here's a direct link to the paper:


The author runs https://kepleraerospace.com/ which claims to have developed "a suite of proprietary technologies ranging from exotic electromagnet propulsion, compact mobile fusion, gravity modification ..."

Here is a direct response to the author's other work on the same topic: http://dorkmission.blogspot.com/2016/05/yes-folks-its-xenon-... (2016)


> The big feature of the nobles is that they don't form bonds with other elements, unlike carbon which will make molecules with anything that asks, the slut.

"...exotic electromagnet propulsion, compact mobile fusion, gravity modification ..."

Wow, they must be about to completely change the world with technology like that!

More seriously, I really wish claims like that had to be backed up in a court of scientific law or something. The amount of grifters taking money from poorly educated people is really depressing. I know a court of scientific law sounds very authoritarian to some, and I apologize, but this shit harms so many and discredits so much legitimate science. Heck it literally kills people, as seen in the COVID-19 pandemic.

I know a guy who has encoded the secrets to Interstellar travel and his YouTube music videos.

He also has something about gravity modification.

Does it make a falsifiable prediction or not?

Well that's certainly an attention-grabbing headline!

I'm assuming they're talking about an airburst type meteor like in Tunguska? I don't have access to the paper.

EDIT: can an airburst meteor include a nuclear explosion? Would a comet or asteroid have such plutonium/uranium material, has that been observed in nature?

It's open access (I think) just click the "Download full text pdf" button

> It is hypothesized that two massive R-Process events occurred in mid-air over the Northern Plains of Mars. The R-Process is inferred to occur in astrophysical events, but has been seen on Earth in thermonuclear explosions [10]. In a planetary environment a large R-process event above the planetary surface would create powerful Tunguska-like explosions. Given the nitrogen and carbon dioxide components in the Mars atmosphere such fireballs would be expected generate large amounts of nitric acid. These hypothetical R-Process events caused the 129Xe/132Xe and 40Ar/36Ar excesses and occurred during the epoch of warm dense atmosphere on Mars, and terminated that epoch.



Before checking the comments I thought it was a troll paper that got through "peer review" because this is how it renders for me in Linux in both Firefox/Chrome https://imgur.com/FBDiIXb.png

Using the "download PDF" feature resolved that on my Firefox. Though, I don't seem to have gained much by seeing it rendered correctly.

I have to confess that I love crankery like this!

I'm looking for a similar type, some guy I ran across on Twitter I mean X a few years ago. He made a case for Ordovician period visit(s) by ETs based on chemical and isotope composition of Australian tektites, but I just can't find him again.

From the intro, explaining various puzzles that have come to light about Mars:

"It is the aim of this article to explain these salient puzzles with a new hypothesis: that Mars was the site of massive thermonuclear explosions, of unknown cause, in the recent geologic past. "

The plot of my next novel: Mars had a thriving population, with two powerful factions. They eventually annialated each other with two massive H-Bombs. Two small resourceful groups, called the Neanders and the Umanoids escaped by rocket ships just before Mutual Destruction, settling on a strange blue planet. By design, all knowledge about the world that was believed to have led to this catastrophe was destroyed, replaced by the elders of the two groups by silly stories about the creation of the world, and how future beings should behave.

Quick, before Graham Hancock beats you to it.

Rings of the Master-like but we never discovered the Rings to free ourselves from Master System.


You might like “Inherit the stars” by James P Hogan.

I know I did!

Sounds a bit like Raised by Wolves

We need a dose of comedy every now and then.

PS: The linked paper preview comes up as gibberish of mostly underscores and question marks. Voynich manuscript author rides again? Or maybe it's the answer to where The Buzzard left his loot?

Didn't we have an April 1st this year already?

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