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Linux Foundation joins analysis on open source ecosystem for sustainability [pdf] (githubusercontent.com)
2 points by protontypes 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

LF Energy, the open source foundation focused on harnessing the power of collaborative software and hardware technologies to decarbonize our global economies, and Protontypes, an open community accelerating free and sustainable technology, today released “The Open Source Sustainability Ecosystem”. The report provides qualitative and quantitative insights into the landscape of open source sustainability projects, identifies those having the biggest impact, as well as gaps that stakeholders across the energy industry should look to fill.

A total of 1,339 active projects were analyzed and grouped into fields by their primary areas of focus. Projects were then analyzed based on their popularity, longevity, programming languages, licenses, number of contributors, organizational diversity, and other factors.

Blog Post: https://lfenergy.org/lf-energy-research-finds-open-source-so...

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