> Edit: And the reason I hate whatever is responsible for the 'ip' command is that it's virtually impossible to google specifically for that command (y'know, because 'ip' was a protocol not a command, convoluting things unnecessarily)...
Oh, absolutely. It could be forgiven if the documentation wasn't so spectacularly useless. The man page just covers that there are OBJECTs you can call, and that you should do for instance 'ip address help' to see what you can do. I encourage anyone to actually do that. A familiarity with Backus normal forms is required to decipher that "help".
Just install 'net-tools' and good ole ifconfig will be in /sbin...
Oh, absolutely. It could be forgiven if the documentation wasn't so spectacularly useless. The man page just covers that there are OBJECTs you can call, and that you should do for instance 'ip address help' to see what you can do. I encourage anyone to actually do that. A familiarity with Backus normal forms is required to decipher that "help".
Just install 'net-tools' and good ole ifconfig will be in /sbin...