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Then a 3d chart with "likelihood of" being a point or region in the space. The axises would then be "Surprise", "Delight", and "Horrify".

Context is critical. Unless you're a beginner with the language, surprise in a production codebase is horrifying. The Perl philosophy has never been compatible with lack of surprise. Perl wants to be like natural language, and natural language has limitless surprises.

The problem with Perl (or, I assume, Raku) in production is that the responsible way to read it is like reading every single footnote in an annotated edition of Shakespeare. It sucks the joy out of it, and joy is the point. Production Perl is joyless and therefore pointless, unless you're some kind of prodigy who understands every obscure political reference and every 16th century pun without any help.

> Context is critical. Unless you're a beginner with the language, surprise in a production codebase is horrifying.

Why? Are you assuming a very particular kind of surprise here?

"Oh, I can replace these five lines with a single builtin." is a surprise, and so is seeing that someone else already did so.

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