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> If the infrastructure holders get very rich very fast it is not a bad thing, just invest in their stocks and you can get very rich too. It is that simple.

I don't think you can get to criticize anyone for having a poor grasp of basic economics.

Otherwise it just sounds like you're saying that there shouldn't be a need for anyone to anyone to be poor - they simply need to invest in the stock market.

> Imagine what $100B can create if people have that much money.

I don't need to imagine. I see what Elon Musk did with $44B, which is now worth ~$15B.

> If AI destroys entire sectors of jobs that would be a noble goal. It means human beings wont have to waste their time on problems that are worthless like how we look at folks who moved from toilet to toilet collecting human waste to dispose it off.

I broadly agree with that, except you skipped my entire point where I'm clarifying that I'm not concerned about the menial jobs, but rather the ones that are about to (already started actually) be replaced by INFERIOR versions of product quality. Modern AI/LLM/Generative AI tools are not replacing toilet collectors. They're replacing journalists, writers, artists, and musicians.

We're not replacing burdensome labour work, we're replacing the most uniquely human tasks of creativity.

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