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Given the price of $3500 against competitors, and the external battery pack, I strongly suspect that Apple's hardware is very different compared to any other headset in the market.

From the limited info in the keynote, it seems they're doing "something" with foveated rendering. Ie: The display is a lot more dense where the fovea sees.

From the demos, they clearly have the eye tracking dialed in to precision.

From these, I would make a bet that the headset contains galvo motors to move the optics such that the high-density portion of the display's area are always in alignment with the fovea. Probably not the Retina display kind, but something more like ~100 ppi equivalent - which is certainly usable for work.

Otherwise, what's the point of having denser pixels in one area?

If this is true, I can totally see this being a true monitor replacement. This would also make most of this blog post moot.

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