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That'll show 'em.

Bro, satvik. I'm happy to hear your responses and learn from you but you're literally just attacking me at this point. It's absolutely hilarious. You think you're going to take me down or something weird. I'm trying so hard to take this seriously because you think you're going to post a tweet and get me nuked from society.

I'm looking at your previous posts and trying to find things that aren't "zero to hero" type javascript messages.

There's a gem 4 months ago that is "Why would you be hiring? Writing a backend is really not that hard if you already know the front end.." " and anyway it's good to be able able to do both sides" ..

Are you trying to learn, prove yourself, or what? What's the end goal here? Most of us write code to pay rent and buy cars. What are you trying to do?

Buddy, HostGator employee, I honestly have no idea what you're even talking about, regarding trawling through posts I've made and trying to find "gems", whatever that means. Seems you get easily aggressive towards anyone that challenges your comments, in this thread and others, telling people to "fuck off", that "literally nobody asked for their opinion" (on a public forum) and trying to find some gotcha in their posts, as if that means anything. All I said to you was that your response was weird and you immediately start popping off about being asked for an opinion, on a public forum. I don't care about you, much less "take you down," lol. You're the one who immediately started spouting personal insults after people calmly commented, so if you can't handle people commenting, get some anger management classes and perhaps step off, king.

LOL this is absolute gold.

You are so out of your element and just absolutely lost. I'm obviously not a HG employee. You challenged my comment? You weren't even part of the conversation. Your challenge was not understanding a modicum of politeness when someone is referring to an old business they worked for and might not want to be associated with so they give vague references that make it blatantly clear they don't want bring it up? This is easy in your stead because you have literally worked for no one that anyone cares about or has any interest in whatsoever.

If you were on hn throwing some spicy tea out for people to read, if you had EVER worked for anywhere that actually MADE spicy tea- you'd get my drift.

"This is a weird response, it's not like it's not public information, there's nothing "impolite" about it."

This is literally one of the most ignorant responses I've ever, ever seen on HN. Nothing I said was public information. and I clearly didn't want to expound. Take the fucking hint.

Anyway, take it easy bud.

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