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How I make annotated presentations (simonwillison.net)
41 points by simonw on Aug 6, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I once helped to establish the tradition of tech talks in one company. To encourage engineers to make talks, I found the opposite advises to be useful: remove as much as possible the barriers to make presentation. It should take similar time to prepare presentation as it is to make it.

As an engineer, I find it inherently wrong to create content (here: create slides in Apple Keynote), then export this as an image to extract the content again via OCR afterwards. This could be more direct/better, no?

The main reason I use OCR here is that I often have slides which include screenshots of web pages or terminal sessions, so the slides themselves are image-based right from the moment I created them - there's no text to extract.

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