(Offtopic) Out of curiosity, do you think SeaLand's goal of becoming a datahaven was ever realistic? do you think other datahavens will come up in the future?
Physical datahavens only really have meaning if it gets you associated legal services (payment processing, incorp, legal); once banking is fully virtualized, you can do purely online entities too. So yes, datahavens will happen -- they will just be a mix of strongly-associated-with-physical-jurisdiction things, and virtualized things.
The USA is basically a datahaven today for many things, and has been for a while.
slashdot had a bunch of things; I did a Q&A there, and maybe 10 other articles got posted. That, the wikipedia article, and the wired article are probably the best overall information.
Fully virtualized payment processing exists: Bitcoin. In fact, the decentralized and independent currency fits very well the philosophy of micronations like Sealand: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=8475.0