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it is truly a product of the computer age, to come up with self-centered ego BS like this.

You do not acknowledge different industries or business models, distribution of physical goods or market brand activity, let along "things that take more that one person to do" .. This is a rote recital of an inner dialog of an ill "investor" CEO who might as soon throw his secretary off of a bridge than give a bonus for winter holidays.

There are not enough words to scourge this infantile, Ayn Randian nonesense from the page.

Never in history have companies hired more employees for the sake of having more employees. This isn't a new modern or even libertarian hypothesis.

Do you think people in 1000 bc hired more employees than they needed just maximize headcount. Of course not. You want enough to get the job done and not more.

People in 1000 BC is maybe not the best example here considering practically the entire population of Egypt was tasked with building or supporting the building of the pyramids among many other projects.

I think that's just as good of an example as any. Do you think pharaohs hired and fed more slaves than they needed to build a pyramid just to maximize worker numbers, or so the extra could sit around and take it easy?

Egypt had shops and Merchants too.

Can you think of any time between then and now where things worked that way?

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