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I'm trying to be wowed by this, but... yes, modern tech be complex. A modern website has more source code than the first few versions of Windows put together.

anecdote : most 'high volume source code' sites i've encountered are that way because of a need to meet standards on a large amount of devices, compliance regulations, and scaffolding/boiler-plate; 90% of it being dead-code boilerplate.

the logic comes at the very tail end, and often it is exceedingly limited, handing off msot of the work to third party APIs/whatever.

I guess what i'm trying to say is that source-code volume is a lousy metric for ascertaining 'complexity'; something can be huge and cumbersome but still only use simple logic that's easy to follow once you get past the cruft.

What you describe is basically how DNA works. Most of it is inactive junk. Parts of which, however, gets activated when... who knows what happens.

Basically we got coded by millions of interns.

And some of the code is never called, but removing it causes weird crashes because the cell.exe compiler is finicky. And some of the code shouldn't be there, but it was left behind by a virus infection that wasn't completely cleared out.

Most are done this way since they are outsourcrd to the cheapest bidders who "glue" multiple technologies poorly on top of each other. And then add tons of ads / tracker / analytics code.

Lots of websites dont care that their technology is terrible.

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