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It seems not only he noted that since the very beginning but has always been vocal about it. There is a clip in YouTube from VH1 where he talks with Tony Levin (it seemed to be around the time they were in the 80's reincarnation of King Crimson) and they briefly discuss it, he acknowledges that women tended to go more even to his shows with his jazz band Earthworks - but for some weird reason they weren't present on King Crimson shoes. Even (if I recall correctly) at the end he asks woman viewers to go to their shows.

From my humble corner I can say I've heard of just a girl, _only one_ girl who said she liked prog rock.

Yep I also never met a girl who like prog rock. Classic or jazz? Quite a lot.

No idea why. Perhaps prog rock with it's typical mythology/sci-fi-related lyrics is a man stuff :p

Back in the day sci-fi used to be a pretty male dominated genre of fiction, but Iā€™m amazed at how much that has changed.

I know a few ladies who like Yes. I even married one.

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