Hard disagree with random questions. If it's easy to ask a random question you're just going to keep asking random questions. How about you write down that question and try to formulate the answer or a strategy for finding the answer?
Here is a workflow I made all people I mentor go through: 1) what is the problem? 2) why is this a problem? 3) what are you actually seeing? 4) what have you tried to solve it? What are the results?
"Random questions" doesn't mean questions without any thought put into them. It just means anything helpful from workflow or environment related questions to code style or processes that are not documented or easy to find. vs. wasting time trying to find things that don't exist or reinventing the wheel, which is more tempting to do when you can't see what your coworkers are doing and don't want to risk offending people who have no interest in passing on knowledge, like a sibling of your comment.
Allowing a noob to spin their wheels for too long isn't just wasteful, it sets the exact wrong tone. The goal is not to "figure everything out for yourself". It's to GET THINGS DONE.
Here is a workflow I made all people I mentor go through: 1) what is the problem? 2) why is this a problem? 3) what are you actually seeing? 4) what have you tried to solve it? What are the results?