Death isn't the only aspect to the FDA's consideration. Safety along with efficacy are key.
You don't want to give a patient, dying or otherwise, a drug which is going to cause harm. Remember, doctors provide comfort care at planned end of life which includes morphine pumps, etc. Even during the process of death, we want our loved ones to feel comfortable and safe.
Death isn't a single event. It is a process that takes days. Can you imagine giving your family member an untested medication only for them to die in complete agony?
You don't want to give a patient, dying or otherwise, a drug which is going to cause harm. Remember, doctors provide comfort care at planned end of life which includes morphine pumps, etc. Even during the process of death, we want our loved ones to feel comfortable and safe.
Death isn't a single event. It is a process that takes days. Can you imagine giving your family member an untested medication only for them to die in complete agony?