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I don't have stats, but judging by the ambient discourse around inclusion and diversity at elite institutions, France is one such country.

Now, it's a bit of a weird situation because, officially, there are no "races" in France. There are no blacks, no whites, just people. But the government is working on tackling the terrible performance of schools in "priority areas" (read: impoverished neighborhoods and tows, which are "immigrant-heavy"). There's also been some dancing around the elite schools and their feeder prep-schools, which aren't very "representative" (read: "diverse" but without saying "race").

How many African-Americans are living in France? Or is "the ambient discourse" an euphemism for "the shit I just pulled out of my butt"?

Is your point that there are close to no African-Americans in Europe? You're probably right.

But I think kypro's point was rather about the local minorities in Europe, which are most likely not any kind of American, although many of them are of African descent (with the caveat that a sizeable proportion of those are not "blacks").

My point is that this sub-thread is full of bullshit. I asked kypro for statistics, but he didn't answer and you intervened with conjecture based on "ambient discourse".

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