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This reminds me that I really need to re-evaluate the stuff I already know and keep it all updated.

I am lost in CSS these days since letting my skills atrophy over the past ~decade

You'll be fine. If anything CSS is the one thing that's gotten easier in web dev. It might take some time but you'll be able to grok it for sure if you've dealt with old school CSS.

ehh... more organized / better? Sure.

Easier? Well, even if you don't have to deal with legacy styling (which had moments of insanity, like floats, and other things which were fairly reasonable, like tables, br, b, i), there is so much new CSS to replace the old: variables, transforms, complex animations, using borders to make arrows and other visual content, in flow vs out of flow, container queries, view transitions api, px, pt, em, rem, vh, vw, query units, initial vs inherit, vs unset vs revert, new color formats, a million new properties for the complexity of interactivity with the gamut of user agent form factors

You know what? I'm going to stop because the list goes on and I don't even think I touched on 1% of the "new" CSS

These days I mostly just use tailwind. It gives me a sane, easy to work with api, and the updates are a more manageable trickle than a deluge

By easier they probably mean “it’s easier to do the same thing” - eg centering a div.

It’s also become deeper at the same time though - so it might be easier to do the same thing and harder to know it all.

CSS is huge. I wish there was a way to shed all that dead skin. Only 5% of it is truly powerful. Most of it is never used.

And yet, those rare times you need something you’re happy to know the feature is there.

There’s no point in removing stuff from CSS. The only thing that would do is break old websites.

If only 5% is truly powerful you can easily and happily use only that 5%

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