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We've never been this low in a graph before, at least in modern history: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/birt...

What happens when we hit 10 births per 1000 people?

South Korea has it even worse:


They are bottoming at 6.

You never know what happens until it does. Hopefully productivity increases along with redistribution away from just the capital that provides those increases will help, or perhaps we will get in a big war or pandemic and the problem will sort itself through excess deaths.

Isn't there another option? Allowing a modest amount of immigration?

Maybe? I think immigration allows the USA not to be at the bottom anyways (as well as other immigrant friendly countries). But if all the other countries lean in on immigration as their way out, we won't be able to be so picky about what immigrants we take in (e.g. lesser skilled vs. more highly skilled ones). That might cause some problems.

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