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No, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, which is Up the Hill from Berkeley. They're run by the same underlying organization but are distinct (yet overlapping in many ways). LBL evolved out of the UC Berkeley Rad Lab, run by Earnest O. Lawrence (same name as the current lab). They do non-classified research.

There is also Lawrence Livermore National Lab, which is nearby, but in Livermore. They do classified research in addition to non-classified. I suppose it's one of the two places they simulate nuclear weapons... errr, run large scale multi-physics combustion codes for stockpile stewardship.

> I suppose it's one of the two places they simulate nuclear weapons... errr, run large scale multi-physics combustion codes for stockpile stewardship.

Back in the '90s my friend (jokingly) lamented that they wouldn't let him try to play Everquest on their computer.

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