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Except in practice it certainly does.

In 2023 the negotiations on the debt limit cut $1.5T in projected debt over the next 10 years. Both parties were unhappy but agreed to the cuts.

Btw, $1.5T is not nearly enough. In 2033 we'll "only" be $46.7T in debt instead of $45.2T, which is basically not enough to move the needle.


That's misleading. GOP employed their usual tactic of being completely fine with defaulting, and used split congress to force the cuts they wanted through.

>McConnell said that Republicans would not block a short-term increase of the debt limit until December, as long as Democrats met certain conditions.

It would be nice if both parties were unhappy! However it's very clear which party owns power when it comes to the debt ceiling here, and the other bearing the potential burden of causing financial ruin.

Finally a person that can see through the political Bullshit. Thank you

Quick! We need to throw all the disabled people out on the street so we can make an excel spreadsheet look better!

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