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Am I reading the insinuations properly, that people are blaming Republicans for the rating change because they dare to question printing unlimited money, and belive if Republicans were more "responsible" and just allowed money to be printed unchecked there would be no problem?

I see no evidence that either party wants to restrain spending when in power, but pretending this is a partisan issue and that one party is at fault for questioning spending as apparently some are doing is reality distortion to a new extreme.

> Am I reading the insinuations properly, that people are blaming Republicans for the rating change because they dare to question printing unlimited money, and belive if Republicans were more "responsible" and just allowed money to be printed unchecked there would be no problem?

If the GOP has an issue with "printing unlimited money", perhaps they should have cut spending when they had full control of Congress and the White House, rather than implementing cut taxes and boost spending:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act

The GOP only has an issue with "printing unlimited money" when there is a Democrat in the White House.

The Republicans were also quite adamant on spending control during the Clinton (Democrat) years:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995–1996_United_States_federa...

But much less so under the Bush (Republican) years:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_tax_cuts

Reminder: it was under a Democratic president (Clinton) that the US had a budget surplus:

* https://www.brookings.edu/articles/a-surplus-if-we-can-keep-...

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_policy_of_the_Bill_Cl...

And it was lost under a Republican president.

So yes: it is one particular party that is more of the issue.

> blaming [] for the rating change because they dare to question printing unlimited money, and belive if [] were more "responsible" and just allowed money to be printed unchecked there would be no problem?

The debt limit adjustment is to allow the treasury to borrow enough to cover payments already approved by congress. It is meretricious to object to that: if you don't think the money should be spent you should not have approved the spending in the first place.

Republicans specifically want to use the debt ceiling as a way to extract concessions when they don't have both houses of Congress.

> people are blaming Republicans

Well yea of course they are. You act like that's some kind of terrible thing to do, lol.

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