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The problem with printing it is that we'll always be able to just print more, because it's effectively a number in a database and we probably don't even need to literally print out dollar bills for it.

But we'll have piles of currency and we'll be lacking in actual things to buy with that. It acts as a regressive, stealthy tax so it's always politically favorable even if it's bad for us economically.

And it has downstream effects because of the demand for inflation-proof goods that are easy to get cash for (gold, silver, property you can rent out), which has other effects like making housing an investment and it being hard for people who actually want to live in those, etc.

Then you game the inflation metrics to make things look good and people wonder why numbers keep going up and they can't make any progress on actually improving their lives because they have no idea what they're really being taxed.

They'll keep getting away with it as long as people see numbers going up and never realizing the source of the problems.

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