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You might like this one more - https://appmana.com/watch/virtualtestdrive - because it's just better :)

While of course I want latency to be as low as possible, the difference between 100ms and 500ms of latency doesn't register in the engagement metrics for these experiences. For millions of laypeople, it doesn't seem to matter that much. However, going from 670ms of time to first image (this service) and 2.5s (worst case) increases bounce rates by as much as 5 percentage points. PureWeb, which typically takes 35s to load, isn't suitable for any mass audience at all.

So imagine downloading a USDZ file for some AR thing. It's real, it's something people try to do. But the bounce rates on those experiences are insane, I don't know why Niantic funds them, there isn't anything you can do about it. There isn't a future for "it takes a while to load" on phones. That's the real constraint.

I’m not sure what the issue is, that whole scene was rendering in what I would consider seconds per frame rather than frames per second.

I have an iPhone 13 Pro and a decent internet connection and if I came across that I would bounce out immediately.

It's called "virtual test drive" but is it really just a turntable of a car?

I tried a bunch of keyboard commands and nothing happened. Can I test drive the car?

Worked for me. I clicked drive and then drove around.

Ah, there were no buttons for me anywhere on screen, so maybe it didn't fully load.


Couldn't bother waiting for this to load unfortunately

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